You can use Member Registration to track and manage volunteers and others in your community:
- Track members who want to participate in activities such as coaching
- Enforce community volunteer requirements such as safe environment
- Enable community administrator review and approval of participants
- Simplify the process of account creation for new members, such as non-parent coaches
- Simplify the process of adding coaches to team rosters
How it Works
Member Registration is separate from, but very similar to Doodlio Online Sports Registration.
- Administrators setup an online registration for one or more roles and open it up to your community. If you are using Doodlio's website, the registration will automatically appear on your Register page.
- Members access your online registration to sign up for roles.
- Administrators then use registration submission management to review and (optionally) approve submissions.
How to Create a New Registration
- Click Member Registration on your administration home page.
- Click Setup Registration
- Click the Add a Registration button
- A new screen will appear that will allow to input settings for your registration.
Registration Settings
Registration Name
Registration name is an internal name visible only to administrators. It is used to identify registrations in lists on administrative screens.
Registration Title
The title will appear to users in the header of the registration webpage. The title should typically describe the purpose of the registration, such as "2023 Basketball Registration".
Description is only visible to administrators and is useful for providing additional context regarding the purpose of the registration.
Registration Status
Set the status to Active to make it accessible. Set it to hidden if you do not want anyone to be able to access it or submit a registration.
Who Can Register?
This setting controls the family members (adults or children) who can be registered. For a coaches registration, for example, you would typically set this option to Adults only.
Allow incomplete submissions
If your registration uses online forms, selecting this setting will allow members to complete the registration process even if they have not completed all the forms.
Click the Save Registration button to create your new member registration.
Registration Roles
Once you have saved your initial registration, click the Roles link in the settings menu to define the roles that will be available in the registration. Members will be able select one or more roles based on the selections you make here.
The Roles screen will display a list of predefined roles. To allow members to register for a role, click the check box for that role and then choose from the following options.
Default Status When Submitted
Choose either Active or Pending Approval. If you select active, the member will appear as available for the role they requested as soon as they complete their registration. Members who register as coaches, for example, will immediately appear in the list of available coaches in Team Management.
If you select Pending Approval, the user's request for the role will appear as Pending Approval on the Submission Management screen. The member will not appear as available until an administrator changes the status from Pending Approval to Approved. For example, the member will not appear on the list of available coaches until they are marked as approved.
You can optionally include online forms in your member registration workflow by clicking the Add Form link. If you insert forms, members will be prompted to complete the forms when they submit their member registration. (Forms should be created as Community Forms in order to appear in the selection list). If your school is affiliated with a league, the league may setup required forms for a role. In that case, the forms will automatically be inserted into your registration.
Click the Update Roles button at the bottom of the screen to save your selections.
Additional Registration Settings
Add an optional welcome page with information or instructions for your members.
Customize confirmation messages
Customize the messages shown on the registration confirmation page and in confirmation email messages.
Add Medical and Emergency Contact Fields
Tell Doodlio to prompt members for certain medical and emergency contact information and store it on member profiles.
How to Publish Your Registration
If your community uses the Doodlio Community Website feature, the registration will automatically appear on your Register page if the status is set to Active.
Otherwise, you can send a registration link to give members direct access to the registration
- Click Member Registration on your admin home page
- Click Setup Registration
A list of member registrations will appear. The registration link will appear to the left of the Manage Settings link.
Managing Registration Submissions
You can use the Registration Submission Management screen to view and update member registrations.
- Click Member Registration on your admin home page
- Click Manage Submissions
Select the registration that you want to report in the upper left and click Search. A list of registrations that match your search criteria will appear. Click on a registration to view details and manage the status of the member's role.
While viewing submission details, you can change the members role status. If the member's status is Pending Approval, click the Set to Active link to change the status to Active. If the member's status is Active, you can click Set to Pending Approval to change the status to pending.
If using Member Registration for coaches, the member will appear in the list of available coaches if their status is Active.
Assigning Coaches to Teams
You can add registered coaches to a team by following these steps:
- Click Sports Management on your homepage dashboard
- Click on the Manage Teams link
- Select a sport from the drop down list. This will display the teams you have defined for the selected sport.
- Click the Manage link for the team to which you want to add the coach.
- Click the Coaches tab.
- Click the Add Coaches button in the upper right.
- Select the team role that you want to assign to the coach and click Select Role.
- Select your Member Registration from the drop down list. A list of members who submitted registrations (and whose role status is Active) will appear
- Click the check box next to each member you want to assign to the selected team
- Click Add Selected Members
The selected members will appear in the list of coaches assigned to the team.
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